Implementing A BYOD Policy Just Got A Lot Easier (And Cheaper)

Implementing A BYOD Policy Just Got A Lot Easier (And Cheaper)

October 24, 2019

If you’ve been in IT for a while, you have undoubtedly seen the transformation over time to people wanting to work from more locations and on an ever-growing list of devices. Trying to keep on top of policies to ensure your organization’s data and systems stay safe and secure can be difficult. Couple this with the fact that over 50% of today’s workers feel the technology they use in their personal lives is more productive than that in their work-life, IT Managers have some hard decisions to make. 

The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) concept is not a new one and chances are you are using it in one form or another already, however it may currently be much more ad-hoc than what you want to secure your data.

Realizing the BYOD movement has become something we can’t resist, organizations are allowing employees to use their own devices through the use of Next-Gen Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI).  This enables centralizing all computing and allows end-users to access their desktop from any device, resulting in IT departments to gain the control and management that they need while giving employees the ease of access, flexibility, and productivity they want. 

Why the Shift?

There are several reasons companies are allowing remote work than ever before. The first is productivity. In 2016, Samsung partnered with Frost & Sullivan for a survey of 500 managers and executives which identified when employees use their smartphone to get work done, they gain an additional 58 minutes of work each day and see an increase in productivity of 34%.

Companies all over the globe are looking to get more done with fewer resources and this is one way that it is becoming a reality. 

In addition to the productivity increases, companies allowing for BYOD can save real money. A study in 2016 by Cisco revealed those companies using a BYOD policy can realize savings of $350/year per employee. These savings, along with the lack of needing to replace pricey hardware provide big savings on IT equipment while making their employees and managers happier. 

How Next-Gen VDI Can Help

With a Next-Gen VDI environment, IT departments can centralize all computing resources to a single data center and then allow employees to access these resources using any device, (company-owned or otherwise).  

By using VDI, you are able to set policies restricting access to external devices such as USB drives, determining what programs each user has access to, giving you more control over the user experience and greater security of company data.  

What About the Cost

One of the largest challenges many organizations face in implementing a traditional VDI environment is the large investment needed to get up and running. That was common with the first generation of VDI but, like with most technology, we have been able to iterate and evolve the technology to where we can now deliver all the benefits of VDI while providing a significant reduction in the investment required. If you haven’t evaluated VDI recently or you haven’t talked with Dewpoint, now is the time to take a second look. We’ve built an ROI calculator that you can use to determine what you could be saving by switching to the Next-Gen VDI. 

Stop the Madness

One added benefit of VDI for IT Managers is you reduce the need to continually manage multiple endpoints and can focus your efforts on supporting your users by bringing new solutions and ensuring IT projects are done on time. If you haven’t already, download our white paper Stop the Madness Of Managing Multiple Endpoints” to learn more about how Next-Gen VDI can help you be more productive and provide a better experience at up to 50% lower cost than traditional VDI.

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